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Five Star
Catering Staff
Why Five Star
Catering Staff
Catering Management
Our Story
Why Five Star
Catering Staff
Catering Management
Our Story
Looking For Work
Apply Today!
Your Name
Email Address
Phone Number
How did you hear about us?
How did you hear about us?
Social Media
Job Board
Internet Search
Media & Press
Word of mouth
Referred by Friend
Referred by Colleague
Please provide specific details as to how heard about us
Please provide name.
Relationship of the person who referred you.
If other, please explain.
Areas you have experience:
Customer Service
Restaurant Service
Catering Service
Other Food Service
Other Work Experience
I have food, hospitality, or customer service experience for approximately:
Less than a year
One year
More than one year but less than two years
Two years or more
Three years or more
Five years or more
How long and which companies have you worked for?
What is your bartending experience?
Beer and Wine Only
Mixed Drinks
Current Status:
Working Part-Time
Working Full-Time
Working Random Jobs
In-School Part-Time
In-School Full -Time
In Between Jobs
On Unemployment – Laid Off
Days / Time Usually Available:
Weekday mornings
Weekday afternoons
Weekday evenings
Weekend mornings
Weekend afternoons
Weekend evenings
How would you commute to work:
I take public transportation as I don’t have a vehicle
I have a vehicle and usually drive
I usually walk
I usually bike or walk
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